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Today is Monday, February 17, 2025. Your local time is 08:35pm.



Once we receive your Refund Request we will process it within 3 business days.  Do NOT issue a chargeback with your credit card as you will be receiving a FULL refund by us.

To apply for a refund on the software product you obtained via an electronic software download transaction, please complete the above Electronic Software Declaration of Removal within 24 hours of the date you purchased the software product and either fax or mail your request as indicated above.

Faxed requests MUST BE received within 24 hours of the time stamped on your electronic receipt. Mailed requests must be received within 3 business days and International requests within 7 business days.

Be sure to include the reason you are requesting a refund, and SIGN where indicated.

TrustSoft, Inc. Customer Service




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